Private Sessions


See our Home Page for ‘2024: Practice Evolution’ Update!

The past informs the present. Connect the dots.
Clarify the purpose behind trauma, cycles (repetitive events) or even health issues. Discover a deeper meaning within past experiences, positive and negative. Release and thoroughly clear unfavourable energies from the field, mind or body(s) to alleviate tension and create a new capacity to call in positive change.

90mins: $250 $220 (Requirement for first time clients)
60mins: $200 $177
30mins: $100 $90

Sessions are held on Signal video-call. Please download for your session.


We recommend attending your online appointment in a calm environment that encourages concentration and connection.

Please ensure you have read and agree with the terms and conditions and cancellation policies prior to booking.

Happy healing!

I have had regular clearings over many years now. I used to see various healers/ kinesiologists/ naturopaths/ psychics, trying to find some clarity and peace, and it was a slow and sometimes disappointing experience. Then a friend recommended Peppi and she nailed issues, cleared them, and cleared about 10 other layers that were holding me down too with each session.
— Katrina M