The Practice

This practice is set uniquely apart from familiar healing techniques such as Reiki, Breath-work, Cards & Crystals, or Chakra cleansing. We examine the connections between current personal issues and their etheric causes. These etheric causes could belong to timelines, past-lives, karmic cycles, ancestral lineage and beyond.

The goal of this practice is to investigate, clear and understand the negativities that keep us from absolving bad habits, cycles, trauma or other. When this practice is paired with an internal dedication to self-improvement, the transformations are astonishing.

“You’ll see it, when you believe it.”

Peppi’s method of energetic practice has been fine-tuned by years of dedicated meditation, shadow work, internal practice and first hand experiences with the magic we all hold within. The techniques continue to strengthen along with the results.

Peppi works with the entire soul-body-mind structure, layer by layer, lesson by lesson. Whatever the issue may appear to be (personal, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc) somehow, there’s an energetic reason and solution. The standard of which is to heal wounds completely and prevent them from recurring. Clearing dense energy liberates space in our energetic fields and mind, opening the opportunity to rewire our neural pathways and create change.

Energetic growth is an intricate balance of ridding the old and accepting the new. Relieve the psyche from distracting trauma attachments so we can focus on refining our cognitive function in a positive direction. Our goal is to enable people to eventually maintain their own energetic health. We encourage everyone to practice keeping their fields and environments clear but we are always here to assist.

Our intention in utilising energy has been consistent from the beginning: Re-empower the people to a state of open mindedness, justified self-amazement and incorruptible integrity devoted to the greater good of themselves and humanity.

Integrity & Spiritual Fraudulence

We believe a healer shouldn’t operate independently until they have dealt with their own wounds. Open, old or ugly. People who are newly beginning their spiritual development would be shocked at the stories of corruption, hypocrisy and shallowness hidden within a community portraying a commitment to growth and healing.
Here, we call it spiritual fraudulence.

Walk the walk.

With a wave of spiritual commitment on the rise, many have assumed the role of ‘the healer’, ‘the shaman’, and are happy to bask in devotion. All while un/knowingly ignoring the very meaning behind those titles. However, the deeper one’s scientific understanding and acquired wisdom from personal experience, the more noticeable this spiritual fraudulence appears. When you are genuinely committed to your truth, it becomes easy to detect deceit.

We encourage all to think and feel for themselves.
Listen to your intuition above all.